Newsletter 408
Esopus from Jill Draper Makes Stuff!
Y'all...we've been waiting months for our shipment of Esopus from one of our favorites: Jill Draper Makes Stuff! This USA-grown, hand-dyed, superwash merino is springy and soft. The four plies lend durability and the round construction makes for great stitch definition. Perfect for socks, shawls, and sweaters alike, it's especially good for picky wool wearers as it's next-to-skin soft and washable. This box arriving with The Man in Brown made for the happiest mail-day!
We're dreaming of knitting Asagi, from designer Bristol Ivy, a sweet summer top with lace panels on both shoulders, pictured here in beautiful spring green Esopus. The V-shaped neckline neutralizes the sweetness a wee little bit, and makes the tee more casual for daily wear. The pattern is sized 37 1/2" - 68 1/4"; depending on the size you choose, just two to four skeins would be needed. Stop in soon and select your favorite, because we just know it won't stick around for long!
Neon and Splash!
When we eyeballed the latest issue of Amirisu magazine, our hearts stopped a beat when we got to the Botan shawl from designer Helen Stewart. The shawl is adorned with bobbles and picots -- mostly knit in garter stitch, which makes it a perfect project for beginner knitters. We instantly ran around the store dreaming of various yarn combinations and we settled on the cheerful speckled Happy Feet 100 Splash combined with neon pairings of Frolicking Feet. We've got several color combos for you to choose from, and they're all guaranteed to put a sunny smile on your face!
Romi Hill is coming to Haus!
Join us Sunday, July 24th as we welcome designer Romi Hill. She'll be with us all day, teaching two classes -- check your schedules and call the shop to register (after the Independence Day holiday!) for either one...or both! 615-354-1007
Silvermist Bath Set, Sunday, July 24th from 10-1, $45
Not only is this a great little gift item, but it's also a fantastic way to practice lace techniques and cast-ons. The washcloth (pictured below, knit in current store favorite Cestari Monticello, a linen/cotton blend) is knit from the center out to the edge, while the soap sack is knit from the bottom up. You'll learn two different methods of casting on (center cast-on and an invisible (figure 8) cast an introduction to lace knitting skills.
Lace Trunk Show & Discussion, Sunday, July 24th from 2-5, $45
A meet and greet presentation of Romi's many lace project samples along with a discussion of techniques, design inspiration and process. She'll have a lot of these projects on-hand for you to see and be inspired by.
A lifelong crafter and knitter, Romi is inspired by the natural surroundings in her corner of the world -- the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevadas in northern Nevada, where the high desert nights are cool and the air is clear and crisp. You can take a look at her full pattern collection on Ravelry, but we've decided to highlight a few of our favorites here, and we've managed to even get a few of these beauties on our needles in anticipation of her arrival.
- Moon Shadows - This generously-sized, semi-circular shawl is perfection
- Cactus Flower - We can't get enough of this combination of texture and lace
- Happenstance - Large enough to be wrapped around the shoulders, but light enough to be popped into a bag and brought out on a chilly evening
- Vertices - based on a modified log cabin design, choose one color or many to make it your own
- Simee Dimeh - this one uses the simple technique of mosaic stitches to create a shawl that only appears difficult! This one is on our needles now using Jill Draper Esopus
- Headlands - Again, the combination of texture and lace is extraordinary! Another one that is on our needles, this time using Baa Ram Ewe Titus
Free Needles...Always On Point!
Supporting your local yarn shop with both your presence and purchasing is vital in securing its status as a shared source of inspiration and community. As a "thank you" to all LYS supporters, skacel would like to give back a little something special. When you purchase three addi® Rocket circular needles at Haus of Yarn, skacel will send you one free addi® Rocket circular in your choice of size/length. There is no limit to the number of free needles you can earn, so start building your collection today! This promotion is limited to in-store purchases only, through your authorized skacel addi® dealer (which would be us!)
Here are the details:
- For every three addi® Rocket fixed circular needles you purchase inside a North American LYS, you will receive one FREE addi® Rocket fixed circular needle of your choice by mail.
- The three addi® Rocket circulars may be obtained at different times and through different brick and mortar shops (online purchases excluded), but must be purchased between June 15th, 2016 and November 15th, 2016 to qualify. All requests need to be postmarked by November 30th, 2016.
- The original, shop-generated sales receipt/s clearly itemizing your addi® Rocket purchases and prices paid, must be submitted for each of the three needles – a single receipt containing multiple needles is acceptable. When it's time to get your free needles, you can download the necessary form here.