Newsletter 806

by Meg Strong

Monthly Make: Fan Mitts

January's Monthly Make is the Baby Fan Mitts! Over the past couple of months, we've received many requests for a fingerless mitt make and we have long adored this particular pattern. It's a beautiful project with easy-to-follow instructions, written as well as charted. Choose your own adventure!We're making it with Swanky DK, a silky blend of merino, cashmere and a bit of nylon with beautiful drape and sheen. 

Shop Swanky DK HERE! You'll be able to make TWO pairs from a single skein. The Baby Fan Mitts pattern is right HERE.If you're nearby, feel free to join us Monday, January 8th at 11am for The Monthly Make meet-up! Not local? Join us in spirit, cast on whenever the mood strikes you, and just make something!Monthly Makes are archived HERE