Newsletter 528

November is almost here and that means the start of a new Yearlong Knitalong! The Haus of Yarn team has spent the past several months knitting and testing patterns for the 2019 Yearlong Knitalong, and we can finally start talking about them! A fresh, exciting new collection of knitalong projects has been carefully selected, each one specifically meant to enhance and build on the skill set you already have. Finished samples of each project (twelve in total!) are on display at the shop, so stop by soon to see them all in person! Not local? You can view them - as well as the details - on our website. Whether you're new to knitting or an advanced expert, you'll find something new and exciting to tackle each month, and at the end of the year, you'll have a beautiful collection of hand-knit heirlooms!
And on that note....join us next Monday, November 5th from 11:00 am until noon as we kick off the new Yearlong Knitalong! We're beginning with the Skalbagge Cabled Hat by Rachael Gander; we'll be demonstrating how to cable and how to make that magnificent pompom!
Yarn Suggestions: Big Bad Wool Weepaca; Kathmandu DK 100 & Shibui Silk Cloud (held double).
The sample shown uses one skein each of 02 Graphite Kathmandu DK 100 & Dusk Shibui Silk Cloud held double! If using Big Bad Wool Weepaca, you'll need 3 skeins.
For those of you working on (or wanting to start!) a block from our Afghan Block-a -Month Book, we'll be meeting at 1:00 pm, Monday, November 5th!